I flew into Lima with one of the volunteers and met up with the rest at our inn on thursday night. Friday morning, we all met up at breafast and since we had a couple of hours to kill before our first tour, we went for a wander around the town of Miraflores.
We looked up a map and thought we would go to ¨Plaza de Centro Americano¨ ... which after we walked a fair distance realised that it was just a round about and we´d already passed it.
The 6 of us ended up walking along the beach... and then somehow wound up in the Center of Miraflores where we had lunch and then walked back to the hotel. At ¨2;30 we started our city tour of Lima which started off at .. umm... I cant remember the name of the archealogical site... but it was pyramids of mud bricks... .... and then on to the Reserve Bank of Peru Museum where we found out about the history of Peru and the Incas... and saw all these aweseome gold artefacts..
I can´t figure out how to align the photos... so heres a bunch of them for now. Plaza De Armas, Church of Francis of Jesus, San Martinez Square, Dinner with the rest of theVolunteers and my first Pisco Sour (the local drink)
The rest of the photos are here...
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