From Left to Right: Kentaroh, Xian, Art, Nazli, Daniel, Hernando, Jackie, Oliver, Jana, Jasmine, Joohee, me and Michele D (missing- Michele R)
Pão dos Pobres
The Pão dos Pobres de Santo Antônio (Saint Anthony’s Bread of the Poor) Foundation is a well known nonprofit in Porto Alegre that was founded by Catholic Priest Marcelino Bittencourt with the objective of providing social support to the widows and orphan children affected by the Federalist Revolution War of 1892-1894. In 1916, the Foundation changed its governance to a new Christian Congregation (The Lassalistas). Since then, it has been assisting children and adolescents (from 6 to 17 years) who live in absolute poverty and are at social risk. Their mission is to initiate solidarity and development of children and adolescents through socio-educational programs.
Jackie (Consolidation Manager from China), Hernando (Account Manager from Venezula) and Nazli (Business Consultant from Turkey) will be designing a financial model for one of the schools of Pão dos Pobres to help them sustain their training courses in the long run.
Fundação Pensamento Digital
Fundação Pensamento Digital (FPD) is an non-profit organization based in Porto Alegre that provides educational skills (with a focus on ICT skills) to underserved groups, with the mission of fully developing them as human beings and engaging them as critical citizens in the greater ICT community. FPD’s vision for 2020 is to become a global reference for ICT learning methodologies catered to disadvantaged youth groups with the goal of helping this population to increase their access to education and economic opportunities presented in the ICT community.
Jasmine (Supply Chain Mgmt Specialist from China) and myself (Project Manager from Australia) will be working with FPD to thoroughly assess their educational services in Vila Cruzeiro and systemize them so they can be presented as a social technology model to educators, schools and government agencies interested in improving education in underserved communities.
Junior Achievement
Junior Achievement (JA) is an international educational association located in 124 countries with the mission of educating students about workforce readiness, entrepreneurship and financial literacy through experiential, hands-on programs. JA programs help prepare young people for the real world by showing them how to generate wealth and effectively manage it, how to create jobs which make their communities more robust, and how to apply entrepreneurial thinking to the workplace. Students put these lessons into action and learn the value of contributing to their communities
Joohee (Strategy and Comms Manager from South Korea), Kentaroh (Application Architect from Japan) and Jana (Integrated Supply Chain Mgr from Slovakia) will be working with JA to develop a volunteer recruitment strategy that will secure volunteers interested in embracing their programs and its teaching methodology on a more sustainable basis.
Instituto Venturi
The Venturi Institute is a non profit organization that aims to disseminate economically viable solutions on socio-environmental issues to businesses, governments and local communities in Rio Grande do Sul state. It does so by compiling technical and scientific studies, conducting research, producing educational materials and organizing workshops on several sustainability-related topics. Their vision is to create a sustainable world where environmental management and business management practices are congruent.
Daniel (Web Media Director from Canada) and Michele D (Technical Architect from France) will work with the Institute to develop a web-based platform that will disseminate the Venturi Institute’s knowledge and services to its target audience. The proposed solution will aim at collecting and sharing technical knowledge, helping local governments to manage solid waste more efficiently, promoting educational programs and events and fostering new partnerships, donations and sponsorships.
Rede Marista
The Institute of the Marist Brothers is an educational institution that was founded in 1817 by Marcellin Champagnat, a young Catholic priest from a rural parish in southern France committed to improving education. Since its inception, the Marist Brothers institute has spread its operations globallywith the mission of educating and providing social assistance to disadvantaged groups.In Brazil, the institute began its operations in 1897 in the south of Brazil and is now present in 24 states, forming a group of 59 schools, 4 universities, and over 100 social centers (The Marist Social Centers) that provide assistance to approximately 100,000 people free of charge.
Art (Server Development Program Manager from USA) and Oliver (IT Specialist from Switzerland) will be helping the Marist Social Center of Porto Alegre to structure the Free Software Factory program by assessing the program’s strategy, content (proposed free software packages), and methodology as well as by setting up a project management framework for program implementation.
The Breast Health Institute of Rio Grande do Sul (IMAMA) is a non-profit organization that has been operating for 18 years with the mission of promoting, maintaining and re-establishing breast health for people in Rio Grande do Sul state. The Institute was formed by a group of health professionals and breast cancer survivors with the mission of sharing their knowledge and experience with the local community. Its vision is to eradicate breast cancer as a life threatening disease among women.
Xian (Workforce Research Consultant from China) and Michele R(Procurement Manager from Australia) will be working with them to develop a system or a macro-project to better match the profiles and abilities of IMAMA’s employees and volunteers, and to maximize the output in their assigned tasks and projects.
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